Deeper Love for Singles
In these times what does it actually mean to actively create a conscious relationship?
On one hand we have a lot of freedom in our society to choose how we want to relate, on the other hand we are strongly influenced by the past generations and the limiting beliefs we have absorbed from the present social environment. These influences often remain unconscious so that despite the freedom to choose people seemingly are unable to find the ‘right’ partner. We are being fed high expectations by the images of relationship in our culture with few skills and tools to deal with conflict and the reality of day to day relationship. So, many beautiful people find themselves unable to make wise choices, or maintain a relationship and find themselves single with the fantasy of a dream partner.
Does this resonate with you?
Are you single and looking for a partner?
Are you tired of waiting for your soul mate who has the magical key to your happiness? Are you ready to take responsibility for creating the fulfilling loving relationship that you desire?
I understand! I have considerable experience growing through the challenges of relationship and out of this have developed some really effective practical approaches on how to live in deepening love day to day. If you’d like to find out more and how I can support you then …
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